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How to Use Tags to Categorize Proofs

In the same way that a news site can have categories for articles filed under news, opinion or sports, Tags allow you to sort and group proofs into different sections. This feature is really helpful for creatives who have a lot of proofs that are part of a larger project. By assigning proofs to a…

How to Integrate Your Email with Ashore

  One of Ashore’s greatest features is the ability to send proofs from your own email. We do this through our integration with a company called Postmark. When you select the verify button, you’ll receive a confirmation email from Postmark. Be sure to confirm! If you don’t, Ashore will not be able to send proofs…

How Approval Process Software Can Fix Your Productivity Problem

If you’ve ever needed sign-off from an approver to get a project completed, you’ve likely experienced the Productivity Problem. The Productivity Problem occurs when approvers fail to meet their deadlines and creatives lack the tools to hold them accountable. The problem can be summed up in a single question: what the hell is everyone doing?…

Workflow Management for Creatives

Let’s face it, the way creatives work involves a lot of bad habits. If you’re not a creative yourself, you no doubt work alongside a few on a daily basis, and it can be an overwhelming experience. If you are a creative, you probably don’t get what the big deal is. You get your work…

Project Feedback You Can Actually Use

The list of things that can impede the successful completion of a creative project is notoriously long and full of fun, time-eating distractions and unplanned, unfortunate hiccups. One of those major hiccups that can quickly bring activity down to a crawl is the project feedback loop between the creative team and the approver. It will…

Project Tracking Software’s Unique Capabilities for Creatives

Creatives are rarely understood, especially when they are forced to collaborative with the decidedly non-creative. By their own admission, non-creatives often fail to understand the time and energy required to produce new material. The artist and the analyst seem to always be at odds with one another, and the creative process suffers from it. A…

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