We just launched Preflights, a tool that turns customer artwork into print-ready PDFs in seconds. Here’s more details.While in beta, Preflights is available for free to Premium subscribers.
1 Dec 2024
You can now better control the frequency of new comment notification emails for yourself, as well as approvers on proofs you own. From the email settings tab of your profile, you can change your new comment notification frequency from the default option, which sends a new comment notification email whenever the user’s session ends on the review screen, to any the following options:
Every 10 Minutes
Every 30 Minutes
Every Hour
We’ve also updated the design of new comment notification emails, which now also include file annotation thumbnails.
14 Nov 2024
We’ve fixed a small issue on review screens where the annotation tool dropdown displayed on top of other elements
We’ve fixed a small issue on the Proof Newsfeed where large images extended past their container
We now display proof details on review screens including the proof name, due date and custom fields.
27 Aug 2024
We fixed an issue where an approver or commenter could close the “Identify Yourself” modal before registering to a proof.
We fixed an issue where the z index of the annotation tool dropdown would display above the file switcher on review screens.
18 Sep 24
We’ve updated our Loom integration.
We’ve hidden the “loaded user” snackbar that would display after logging in.
We’ve added links to our Adobe plugins to the Integrations tab.
We’ve added additional whitelabeling features, including the ability to stay on a custom domain after logging in with SSO and after logging out.
04 Sep 24
If a user is logged in via a custom domain, we’ll now redirect them to the custom domain’s login page when they log out. This feature is further preparation of a wholly white-labeled Ashore admin and the implementation of customer portals.
29 Aug 2024
We’ve fixed a bug that caused proofs to not display as approved on Proof List when users manually added BCC users to a proof workflow. The issue is fixed now but some proofs created between 27 Aug and 29 Aug may be affected. If you determine this issue might have happened in your account, contact us at support@ashoreapp.com.
27 Aug 2024
We fixed a bug related to BCC notifications. Ashore users who have been BCC’d on a proof will now receive notifications according to their own profile settings.
We’ve ensured that images uploaded to comments on a review screen do not exceed the width of the comment sidebar
In our previous release, we added some additional white-labeling functions to the Ashore admins screens. We’ve extended that function by updating the meta-title on Ashore screens to match the name of your organization. These features are supporting customers who invite their approvers to be users on their Ashore account.
17 Aug 2024
We’re rolling out a feature to extend white-labeling to the Ashore admin screens. If you login to Ashore using your custom domain, we will now display your logo instead of Ashore. When you’re logged into your Ashore account, we also display your account logo in the main navigation. These features are supporting customers who invite their approvers to be users on their Ashore account.
We fixed a rare issue that would result in a proof annotation sometimes displaying on the wrong proof. This issue was a result of showing the wrong proof ID and not a consequence of approvers making comments on the wrong proof.
13 Aug 2024
We’ve improved the user experience of the media player when proofing audio and video files.
We fixed an issue where browser alerts intermittently did not display to approvers who tried to close their browser before making an approval decision.
8 Aug 2024
We’ve made several performance improvements under the hood.
We now hide the file switcher when a proof version only has one file.
We’ve released a new version of our Adobe Plugin for InDesign and Illustrator that allows you to pick the location of the exported file when you create a new proof or proof version.
We’ve fixed an issue where words would break without hyphenations in comments on review screens.
We’ve fixed an issue where timestamps on the Proof Newsfeed would sometimes display an inaccurate date due to a UTC calculation.
30 July 2024
We now display files at their native height and width until the size of the file exceeds the available view on the canvas. This ensures that small files do not get unnecessarily stretched.
We’ve updated the Proof Owner’s view of the review screen to always display the download button.
We’ve fixed an issue where users with a user role that included the setting for “User can access account settings” turned off could not edit checklists.
We’ve fixed a issue that sometimes caused the wrong checklist to display on a proof for a short period of time.
25 July 2024
The Overview page was updated to limit the visibility of proof activity, proofs waiting for review, and proofs that are not approved to the user’s proof access permissions.
24 July 2024
We’ve fixed an issue where a user’s custom approval decision label did not display on the confirmation action of review screens
We’ve removed a long-time feature from Ashore that stored an approver’s information on their browser as local storage. Previously we would use this information to improve the user experience for approvers on review screens, as we would load the approver’s identity automatically if it were already saved to local storage when opening a proof. We determined that this feature has use cases that create a worse user experience. For example, if many users share the same computer it becomes harder to tell which approver is opening a review link. We’ve also discovered that many Ashore users will inadvertently find a way to open their approver’s emails, saving their approver’s information to their own computer and require them to clear cache and cookies to remove this data from their browser.
22 July 2024
We’ve enabled users to right click or CMD+click on the “View” button from Proof List
We’ve added a “Load More” button on Proof List for users with extra-large screens that do not trigger the page’s infinite scroll
16 July 2024
We fixed an issue that prevented some data from showing up on the Proof Newsfeed, including files uploaded to a version and timestamps on certain events like updated annotations
14 July 2024
We’ve released real-time proofing, allowing you and your reviewers to experience new functionality when the proof option for “View All Comments” is turned on:
See each others cursors move around in real-time
See notifications on review screens when other reviewers connect to the proof or make a comment, or when new versions are added
See comments appear in the comment sidebar in real-time
We’ve released the ability to spotlight a reviewer on the review screen, allowing you to follow them as they navigate throughout the proof in real-time
The Proof Details page has now been updated to support these real-time updates, and also includes a new UI
We’ve fixed an issue that prevented Ashore users from marking a comment as resolved on the “Modern” review screen
We’ve fixed an issue that intermittently occurred when adding new Contacts to a proof via editing the workflow. In the past, the contact would sometimes not display in the workflow after the contact was created.
We’ve fixed an issue that prevented users from deleting proofs from Proof Details
We’ve fixed two Zapier triggers for “Annotation Created” and “Annotation Comment Thread Updated”
We’ve made updates regarding our new Modern review screen theme:
We’ve improved an issue on mobile that prevented a user from scrubbing a video or audio timeline before selecting play
We fixed an issue where one step of the product tour displayed partially off screen at some screen sizes
We fixed an issue where the user’s custom logo did not display correctly when comparing versions
We fixed some some smaller responsive issues
We added two new shortlinks to Ashore’s email template variables. Now you can use {{buttonLink}} to display your review link and {{buttonText}} to display the “Review Now” text (which can be updated in your Account Settings)
We improved the way that the user’s account logo inside of the account settings page
We fixed a bug where commenters who receive email notifications regarding other users comments were directed to an approver review link instead of a commenter review link. This caused some confusion for commenters who were then unable to view comments.
We’ve updated our form validation pattern on our entire site from a banner that sits below the navigation to a snack bar that appears at the top right of the screen momentarily
We now display a small promotion for Ashore on review screens for free accounts
13 Dec 2023
We’ve released a new review screen theme, Modern, with several improvements:
A beautiful overall new user experience
Cleaner comment threading
An easier method for switching files in a proof
The ability to zoom in and out easier
The ability to view file details, including the size of the file
All features from the original review screen theme, Minimal
The original review screen theme, Minimal, is still available to use if you prefer it.
You can update your review screen theme to Modern from Account Settings on the Branding Tab
We’ve redesigned the audio and video players:
Video now includes the ability to view full screen
We’ve improved the user experience on mobile with the ability to scrub the timeline
18 Sep 2023
We’ve added the ability to create and manage teams:
You can now associate users to one or many teams
You can set a default team for a user
You can associate proofs to one or many teams
We’ve added the ability to create and manage user roles:
You can manage account permissions, including access to billing, user management and account settings
You can manage proof access permissions, including the ability to limit proof access to user teams, owned proofs, or nothing at all
We’ve added the ability to filter proofs by teams on the Proof List page
24 May 2023
We’ve added the ability to rotate images and PDFs on review screens
We’ve made some minor responsive changes
We now display your Postmark DNS records in your account to help you improve email deliverability
We’ve fixed an issue that prevented other approvers from making a comment after an approval decision was made with the proof toggle “Disable Commenting After Decision” was turned on.
We’ve created a more sophisticated verification system for integrating your email with Postmark or setting up your SMTP. When you verify your email with SMTP, we’ll send you an Ashore verification email and double-check that your settings are correct.
30 Mar 2023
We’ve improved our direct SMTP feature (the ability to send emails from your own email server). We’ve added queued, sent, error, and opened email status’ for emails sent via Direct SMTP
If you use a custom domain, we now whitelabel every link in your Ashore emails to improve deliverability
We’ve updated the email template HTML for Ashore notifications to have a less opinionated design, a stronger call-to-action, and improved deliverability
We’ve added the ability to use emoji’s on the review screen
We’ve fixed an issue that prevented commenters from receiving notifications when “view all comments” proof toggle is turned on
We’ve fixed an issue where a null value for a custom dropdown property did not display on the Proof List page correctly
We’ve fixed a very rare, intermittent issue where the wrong approver may receive an email notification when a user is mentioned in a review screen comment
We’ve fixed an issue where a “>” symbol displayed on the Proof Timeline PDF Export under each comment
We’ve fixed a UI issue where users with many checklists were sometimes unable to see all of their options when managing a workflow due to the dropdown being hid by other elements
We’ve fixed a styling issue for the “return” button on the proof version comparison page
We’ve introduced some small responsive changes for the Workflow Details an Account Settings
23 Feb 2023
We’ve released a new feature that allows users to integrate their own email server with Ashore to send emails. You can do this from Profile > Email Settings. We’ve built this feature in response to an issue where emails sent to Microsoft365 servers were being quarantined.
If you’re adding proof thumbnail images to your emails, we now update the proof thumbnail image with every version of your proof.
We’ve improved the mobile responsiveness of Ashore in many parts of the application and review screens
We’ve made many small UI improvements as we convert the rest of our application to our new UI
20 Jan 2023
We’ve updated the logic on review screen comments. To prevent the user from having to open each comment to read it, we’ve made them all open by default
We’ve improved the responsiveness of the menu in Ashore
We’ve fixed a bug that prevented commenters from displaying in the contacts lists on review screens when the “view all comments” proof toggle is on
We’ve fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the correct checklist from displaying in an approval stage when there are multiple approval stages using different checklists
19 Jan 2023
We’ve made many small UI improvements as we convert the rest of our application to our new UI
We improved the validation errors that display when you make a mistake while creating a new account
We’ve increased the inactivity counter time so Ashore is less likely to “randomly” log you out if you’ve left Ashore inactive in your browser for long periods of time
We’ve added the ability to overwrite an approver’s status to “Waiting for Review”. Previously, you could only overwrite the status to either “Approved” or “Not Approved”
We’ve updated the logic on the “Approved With Changes” proof toggle. When approvers make a comment, we now hide the “approve” button and only allow the user to select “approved with changes”
We’ve fixed a bug that prevented custom labels for approval decisions from being displayed in the selectable status drop-downs when the “approve individual files” proof toggle is turned on
We’ve fixed a bug that prevented the list of associated proofs from displaying when viewing a single approver profile
10 Jan 2023
We’ve added a recent activity log to Overview that highlights the most important events in your account
We’ve added a new chart to Overview that gives you high-level insights into proof sent, files uploaded, proofs approved, proofs not approved, and proofs waiting for review
We’ve redesigned the Contacts List page to match the rest of our UI. You can also now select all viewable contacts and manage them.
We’ve made small UI changes to many buttons, fields and modals as we convert the rest of our application to our new UI.
22 Dec 2022
When users who have not verified their email with Postmark send messages to contacts, Ashore will use the account no-reply email address. Previously, these messages were sent from no-reply@ashoreapp.com.
13 Dec 2022
Fixed an issue that prevented users from copying text on the review screens
Added the ability to add multiple files at once to a comment on the review screens
07 Dec 2022
Added Microsoft SSO
Added the ability to add a note when archiving a proof (either singularly or in bulk)
We now allow contacts to have special characters in their name
We updated our WYSIWYG to the latest version, which includes new UI
We’ve fixed an issue when pasting into the WYSIWYG while in HTML mode
We’ve implemented our loom integration any time you’re writing a message
You can now add or remove files to a version after you’ve sent it for review
You can now hide versions of a proof from all contacts
You can now select which contacts to message when you send a message to the current proof stage
Updated UI on Create Proof page
Updated UI on Overview page
05 Oct 2022
Fixed an issue that occurred when a user pasted content into the email body of an approval stage and the content would be pasted at the bottom of email bodies in other approval stages
Fixed an issue that prevented a workflow from starting if the user created multiple versions of a proof before starting the workflow
Fixed an issue that updated the parent workflow when an instance of a workflow was applied to a proof and modified before the user started the workflow
04 Oct 2022
Fixed an issue that prevented Ashore users from creating a new contact on a workflow after the workflow was started
Fixed an issue that prevented new stages from being added to pre-saved workflows when the workflow had no stages
03 Oct 2022
Fixed an issue that prevented accounts with over 20 users from uploading multiple files to a proof
Fixed an issue that prevented sub-users from archiving proofs
30 Sep 2022
Added Google SSO
Added the ability to create many approval checklists and assign the checklists to workflow stages
Updated pricing plans to per-user pricing
Updated new UI for workflow management
Updated new UI for email template management
Updated new UI for checklist management
Updated new UI for the proof timeline
Moved checklist management to the automation page
Fixed an issue that prevented webpages with extensions greater than 6 characters
Fixed an issue that prevented users from updating their no-reply email address after changing it
You can now bulk archive, delete and restore proofs
Custom fields are now viewable on each proof from the Proof List view
13 July 2022
Fixed a bug that prevented the Contact list page from sorting by “Most Recent” by default
Slight UI changes to the Contacts list page
11 Jul 2022
You can now create and manage custom fields for your proofs. Field properties include:
Single field text
Dropdown select
Date picker
You can also filter by your custom fields on the proof list view
Small redesigns to the proof list view and proof timeline
Two new Zapier Actions: 1) Upload file to proof and 2) Create proof
19 May 2022
Fixed an issue where commenters received an email when a new version was sent with a send option “Send to None”
Hid the email-related fields when a user selects a send option “Send to None” when creating a new version
06 May 2022
Added Spanish version for review screens
Redesigned the Account Settings page
Added the ability to customize every label on review pages for Spanish and English
30 Mar 2022
Added the ability to have comment-only reviewers
15 Mar 2022
Added the ability to preview email templates while creating them.
10 Mar 2022
We developed a custom PDF viewer to solve PDF issues once-and-for-all!
Bugfix: We fixed an issue that caused comments to save on the incorrect version when creating new versions with our files from previous versions feature.
Bugfix: We fixed an issue that prevented users from downloading the PNG from a webpage screenshot capture.
We added a chart on the Overview page for free users to know how much storage they have left in their account.
10 Feb 2022
Bugfix: We fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused events in the proof timeline to not display
We reduced the length of the cached filters on the Proof Archive to reduce confusion
8 Feb 2022
Bugfix: We fixed a bug that allowed sub-users in Ashore to delete proofs.
4 Feb 2022
We introduced automatically higher contrast between approver colors on review screens
28 Jan 2022
Comments in timeline now include screenshots of proof with annotation for every media type
14 Dec 2021
Introduced drawing annotation tools
Threaded comments now appear in the Proof Timeline
10 Nov 2021
Redesigned audio and video player; includes volume control
Added ability to add bulleted lists on the Approver’s general feedback modal
25 October 2021
Bugfix: Added support for WAV files on Safari/Firefox