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Growth Hacking

The Approval System Software That Will Make You Money

Why do you need approval software? For marketing agencies and the creatives that inhabit them, getting deliverables approved by clients is usually a big pain point. Whether it is proofing a website, video or blog article, it can often take days to weeks to receive a proper response. Not to mention, when that client is…

Project Management Software Murdered the Approval Process

Has your agency ever tried to share a project management system with a client? How did it go? Was the client able to successfully adopt it? Was the approval process improved? Chances are, it wasn’t. Agencies love project management software. It’s the perfect solution for creating, assigning and managing tasks. Project management software keeps everyone…

The 80s Called. They Want Their Marketing Back.

Marketing and sales practices have shifted in recent years, and forever changed the landscape of doing business. If you are still selling and marketing like you did in the 80’s then this post is for you. The Impact of Inbound Marketing Salespeople once owned and controlled most of the information about their company. If you…

How to Start Your Own Marketing Agency

If you’re curious about how to start your own marketing agency, here’s my first tip: don’t. I know you’re going to ignore that. In fact, if you’re reading this post, you’ve probably already spent a considerable amount of time forming some ideas about how you’re going to run your own agency. Maybe you already work…

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