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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Simple Graphic Design Contract

After weeks of long days and espresso-fuelled nights, you’ve finally finished the design project of your life. You send it to the client, who adores it, and then… nothing. You reach out, then you reach out again, and not a peep in response. With a heavy heart you realize that for all of your time…

Fighting Creative Blocks in Collaborative Design

We’ve all been there: painfully aware of a deadline, staring at an empty page waiting for inspiration to finally come – and despite our best efforts, it just… won’t. It’s easy to equate that blank page with personal ineptitude, but in reality, creative blocks are extremely common. This is especially true during collaborative design; for…

Cover Your Bases With a Formal Web Design Approval Process

We often treat websites as an afterthought, something businesses are required to have to prove they exist. However, studies indicate that this shouldn’t be the case. In fact, a robust website may just be the best asset a company can have. Researchers at Stanford found that “judgments on a company’s credibility are 75% based on…

Creative Agencies, What Are You Even Doing Without Ashore?

Have you struggled to get any feedback on a project you spent hours on? Do you find yourself wondering if your client left for vacation without telling you? If you’ve worked at a creative agency, you’ve definitely been here. It’s hard to get feedback on projects, and it typically takes a lot of awkward reminder…

How to Review a Website Design

More often than not, a company website is a consumer’s first interaction with a brand – so it’s essential to make a strong first impression. Sure, twenty years ago, you may have been able to get away without an online presence – but that’s no longer the case. The internet has gifted us with smarter,…

Video Review and Approval for Now and in the Future

The Rise of Video When Al Gore invented the internet, do you think he knew how big a deal video would become? Back in the day, images and text were the digital media we consumed, but in 2020, 82% of consumer internet traffic is video. This didn’t happen by chance; when it comes to engagement,…

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